How to send WhatsApp message using REST API -

After your account on is active, you can send template message to users.

Below are the details of REST API

  1. Method: POST

  2. Headers: client-id: {client_id} secret-key: {secret_key} Content-Type: application/json

  3. Body: {

    "to": "{{recipient_phone in international format}}",

    "name": "{{recipient_name}}",

    "email": "{{recipient_email}}",

    "link": "{{media_url}}",

    "params": [ {{params}} ],

    "button_params": [ {{button_params}} ],



Below is the explanation of each parameter (Please remove { } while making API calls)

Sample curl request for template with dynamic URL as a cta button

  1. --header 'client-id: <client id> \

  2. --header 'secret-key: <secret key> \

  3. --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

  4. --data-raw '{

  5. "to": "+911231231231",

  6. "name": "Iticks",

  7. "params": [

  8. "param1",

  9. "param2"

  10. ],

  11. "button_params": [

  12. "param1"

  13. ],

  14. }'

Last updated