Sync Contacts to CRM API

The "Sync Contacts to CRM API" allows you to seamlessly integrate QuickReply with your in-house or custom-built or any CRM system.


The Sync Contacts to CRM API allows seamless synchronisation of contact data between and your CRM system. This API facilitates the creation and updating of contact records, ensuring that your CRM always has the most accurate and up-to-date information.

How it works

  1. Creating a New Contact:

    • When detects a new Contact, it sends a POST request to the New Contact Webhook. This request includes the Contact's details.

    • The CRM responds with a unique Contact identifier, which stores internally.

  2. Updating an Existing Contact:

    • For any updates to a contact's information, sends a POST or PUT request to the Update Contact Webhook. This request includes the Contact identifier and the updated contact details.

This process ensures that both new and updated contact information is accurately reflected in your CRM.

Webhook API requirements for syncing Contacts

  • uses webhooks to communicate with your CRM system.

  • Webhook endpoints should accept JSON payload/FORM post in the request body.

  • You can authorise your API calls with fixed Authorization keys in headers, query string or body. This is optional.

There are two key webhooks:

New Contact Webhook

  • Webhook URL: [Your Webhook URL]

  • Description: Triggered when a new contact is detected. This webhook creates a new contact in your CRM.

  • Payload Example:

  "event": "new_contact",
  "data": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+1234567890",
    "source": "website"
  • Response: The CRM should respond with a unique Contact identifier, which stores for future reference.

Update Contact Webhook

  • Webhook URL: [Your Webhook URL]

  • Description: Triggered when there is an update to an existing contact. This webhook updates the contact information in your CRM using the stored Contact identifier.

  • Payload Example:

  "event": "update_contact",
  "data": {
    "contact_id": "12345",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+0987654321",
    "status": "contacted"


  1. You can use the same web-hook URL for both new Contact and update Contact events if your endpoint can differentiate between the two based on the payload.

  2. The payload structure is quite flexible and can be customised by's team on request as per the CRM requirements.

Example Requests

1. Create a new Contact

curl -X POST [Your Webhook URL] \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "event": "new_contact",
  "data": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+1234567890",
    "source": "website"

You can create endpoint like to this to create a contact in your CRM.

This body will have all the params captured in the Contacts's Profile.

2. Update an existing Contact (optional)

curl -X POST [Your Webhook URL] \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "event": "update_contact",
  "data": {
    "contact_id": "12345",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+0987654321",
    "status": "contacted"

How to implement Contact Syncing

  1. Once you are ready with the API endpoints, please share the same with your point of contact in's team or write to to get it updated.

  2. Our team will schedule a call with your team to setup the syncing and get it implemented.

  3. Time to implement is usually 5 business days.


Do the contacts sync in real-time?

The contacts are synced in near real-time. The platform waits for 5 mins before the syncing is done after any update received from the end-user.

Can the sync-time frequency be reduced?

We recommend a 5-min inactivity delay before the syncing to avoid too many API calls to your custom CRM. However, if you have a need of a faster sync, we can enable that at an additional charge. Please write to for this request.

Can I use the same webhook URL for both new Contacts and updates?

Yes, you can use the same web-hook URL for both types of events if your CRM used either of email or phone number as the Contact identifier

Last updated

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